Thursday, January 26, 2006

Generation 2, Chapter 2

Aqua Family
by Boreal Aqua

I apologize dear readers for our long absence. The newspaper strike unfortunately affected our serial tale of the founding of the Aqua legacy. But the union and management have finally come to an agreement and our story should be able to continue on our regular schedule once more.
(Controller's Note: I got too wrapped up with the Vacha Family and neglected this one. *g* Good news is there are 3 or 4 chapters for the Vacha's ready to be written and another one ready to be uploaded. *chuckle*)

When last we met, the twins, Winter and Hiemal had become teenagers and we'd welcomed a new addition to the family, Sleet. I have found a family portrait from that time in my attic of all places!

Poor Hiemal was a sickly teenager, always trying hard to keep up with his twin and failing miserably. Sinjin made up batches of medicine each time Hiemal got ill and his parents worried about him. But he obviously pulled through, as my simple existence attests to, although he was never as healthy and energetic as his brothers.

(Controller's Note: Hiemal transitioned to teen-hood in the gold and had a rough time learning his skills. And Logic? YIKES! Each time he went near the medicine machine, the poor boy got sick. *sigh* Finally, after the 3rd time, he had to make do with the chess board.)

Slick's health continued to be an issue and she was frequently making trips to the hospital, but she was the foundation of this family and always made time to help her sons and husband out in any way they needed. The years continued to fly by and soon it was time for Sleet to become a child. The family gathered together for a small party to celebrate the event.

Sleet was excited to receive all this attention (or is he thrilled with his pink pajamas...).

But as Slick knew, childhood isn't only about fun and games. She taught her miracle child, as she frequently referred to her third son, the importance of good study habits.

Winter met some interesting people during his clubbing and from all reports, carried on quite adult conversations despite his tender years.

Sinjin achieved his life's wish to become the premier criminal mastermind in Veronaville. Apparently though, he had an ulterior motive for his desire, as we'll soon find out.

But before that, it's time once more to celebrate young Sleet's continued growth! Childhood passes so quickly. *sighs*

I like to think Sleet's wishing for world peace or something, but knowing what I know of the 3rd born son of this mutant family, he's probably wishing for even better presents than his last birthday.

And Sleet Aqua becomes a handsome teenager who apparently loved the attention a little too much. Or else as the 3rd born child, sought to bolster his self-worth in the affections of others (Romance). He was strongly attracted to all women, but especially blondes and redheads, but he liked his women fit and would snub any who were overweight. It was said he sought to make love to the entire female population of Veronaville, but I suspect that is an exageration (LTW: WooHoo 20 Sims). I mean, if he had, there would be far more of us around, wouldn't there?

Sleet worked hard on his appearance and took pains to always present the best image he could. If he truly did woo all the women in Veronaville, I can't quite say I blame them for falling prey to his good looks, can you?

That summer, Slick dragged her family out for one final portrait of them all together. She knew the twins would be going off to college at the end of the summer and they would never all be living under one roof again.

The boys all took classes that summer, the twins to be eligible for advances classes at university and Sleet to gain entrance to the same exclusive private school the twins attended. And don't write in asking me to identify who is who, because there is no way to tell these three apart at this age!

Apparently Tyler wasn't the only one to casually walk past the Aqua home. Slick mentioned in her letters to Icy that there were reported sightings of Elsa trying to sneak a peek at her grandchildren too. I would imagine Icy filled the grandparents in on the little details of their lives, since the sisters remained close their entire lives despite almost never seeing each other.

As summers always do, this one finally ended despite Slick's attempts to hold back time. The twins were accepted into La Fiesta Tech with substantial scholarships, given their humble beginnings.

That fall, Slick realized that despite not attending college, she had learned all there was to learn in this world. She finally found a sense of peace and happiness in her knowledge and her family. More importantly, her health took a dramatic upturn and she was able to return to the working world. Her physicians were at a loss to explain it, but the Aqua family had learned by then not to look a gift horse in the mouth.
(Controller's Note: Lifetime want (and impossible want) to max all 7 skills achieved.)

Sinjin's plan was finally revealed to the underworld of Veronaville when he showed up with the SWAT team to take down one of the biggest drug rings in town. He had been undercover for years, learning how the criminal element works so as to make Veronaville as idyllic a place to live as it appeared to be.

In the meantime, Sleet achieved something his brothers were never able to. He had an active social life in addition to maintaining a straight A average at school and preparing hard for his own scholarships.

Throughout their life together, Slick and Sinjin never stinted on showering affection on each other. Even as they neared their twilight years, they were still as giddily in love as when they were newlyweds.

Well, we shall wrap this chapter of our story up here. We should be back to regular updates, now that that strike is over. Thank you all for your letters of support during this trying time!

(Controller's Note: After the discussions of how good looking the NPCs in Veronaville were, I thought I'd add a few more. You've already met 2 exterminators (Sinjin and his replacement, Pung). Now let's meet a couple more.)

Here is the Aqua's maid, Arianna Jalowitz. Despite him having no relationship with her yet (dummy me), she's my planned mate for Hiemal. :-)

And their grocery deliver man, Nery Thompson.

Hmm, long lost brothers?
I'll keep an eye out for other NPCs to add to future chapters. :-)

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Generation 2, Chapter 1

Aqua Family
Written by Boreal Aqua

It is time once again to take a step back through the ages to learn more about the roots of the Aqua family and see how this huge dynasty got its beginnings from such humble roots.

The next few years were hectic ones for my ancestors, with two growing boys and the adults working their way up in their respective careers.

There aren't many pictures from the twins early years, however the special moments in their lives were captured. Here Winter is brought to a birthday cake to celebrate his transition from infancy to his toddler years.

He grew up into a delightful child, born under the sign of the Archer (Sagittarius). Despite his looks, he took after his father mostly, picking up his slovenly habits (0 Sloppy), although he was a very outgoing (7) and active (9) child. Unlike his parents, he was reportedly extremely playful (10), but carried a grudge even more than Slick or Sinjin (1)!

An adorable picture from the family archives of Hiemal with his cake from that same year. He looks thoroughly delighted by the dancing flames, doesn't he?

Hiemal looks even more like his mother, with her delicately pointed ears. Although he has his father's eye shape, unlike Winter, who has his mother's elfin eyes. Not surprisingly, he also is a Sagittarius, almost identical in his personality to his twin even! Although by all reports, he is a smidge lazier and a little less grumpy (0/7/8/10/3).

I would say Slick and Sinjin definitely had their hands full with two extremely active toddlers, as in all of my researches I have come across no other pictures of the boys until their birthdays just before they were to enter school.

Here Winter is waiting for the candles to be lit on his cake.

And he grew up into a handsome young boy. Shortly after the birth of the boys toddlerhood, Slick realized she had learned all she could from genetics and changed careers to the military, in hopes of coming across some classified information that would help her unravel the secrets of her origins. For a time, Winter developed a fascination with everything military. Not unsurprising in a boy!

It's obvious that Hiemal hasn't outgrown his fascination with fire yet!

And he too grew up well.
(Controller's Note: Somehow the boy's birthdays got separated by a day when it was time for them to transition to toddlers. Hence why Winter has already had his hair redone when Hiemal is only first transitioning to a child.)

Winter and Hiemal did everything together, even down to insisting on wearing identical shirts. I suspect it was for her own sanity that Slick at least kept their hair styles different. I'm just glad of it or I'd have a hard time telling who was who in these pictures, since you can't always see their eyes or ears!

Despite dire warnings from her physicians, Slick and Sinjin conceived another child. Slick had always wanted a daughter and she convinced her husband to try for one more. I have come across numerous notes between Sinjin and Slick's physician, monitoring her health closely every step of the way. There were apparently a few times where Slick was hospitalized and they feared they would lose her if she didn't abort her pregnancy, but she was adamant they keep the child.
(Controller's Note: Okay, so I'm a complete doofus. I planned to only ever have a single child per generation with this family. I got twins right off the bat. Okay, I can deal with that. Both Slick and Sinjin had the want to WooHoo locked in and they'd both dropped down to green. So I thought, "Well, guess they get lucky tonight." Then I further thought, "Hmm, their married. They wouldn't use a condom, I think. And it too SO LONG for her to get pregnant the first time (3 times a day for a full sim week before she conceived), I should roleplay the risk and have them try for a baby this one more time." I literally hit my head on my desk when I heard the lullaby. *sigh* But I made the decision to click that button; now I live with it. Oh, and yes, this was a MUCH rougher pregnancy! Although Slick was never in danger of dying, it was hard keeping her needs even at halfway.)

Slick managed to carry their third child to full term and, as before, insisted on home birthing, despite the complications she'd had earlier. I don't know who they had with them to snap this picture, unless it was one of the twins, but I can easily imagine what Sinjin must have been going through by his pose and expression.

However, both mother and baby came through the delivery with flying colors. Once she was cleared for surgery, the physicians went in and tied her tubes, to ensure there would be no more "accidental pregnancies." They thoroughly checked out their newest son and then Slick and Sinjin brought home little Sleet Aqua.

When her maternity leave was over, Slick finally admitted she was in no physical health to continue on with a military career. In a letter to Icy, she mentioned that although they didn't have much, they had enough money in their savings to add on another bedroom and bathroom and for Slick to stay home with the boys and be a full-time mother.

With three growing boys and Sinjin working hard to avoid the police, picture taking remained scarce in the Aqua household. The picture above is the next photographic record I've been able to uncover, when the twins celebrated their birthday before entering high school.

I am completely unsurprised that Winter turned into such a handsome teenager. Like his parents, he values Knowledge above all else, hoping to become the best at everything (LTW: Max 7 skills). From some of his own letters, he was attracted to Blondes and those with fancy hair (custom hair). It does surprise me that given his own sloppy nature, he was strongly against women with distinctive body odor (no stinky).

Hiemal also grew up into a striking young man, but unlike the rest of his family, he valued material goods (Fortune) and hoped some day to earn a substantial amount of money (LTW: Earn $100,000). Again, like his twin, he was attracted to Blondes, but he especially liked them when they wore hats. He had nothing against a person's scent; in fact, he distinctly did not like it when women wore perfume.

During their formative years, Slick frequently complained in letters to Icy about the messes the boys left. Although Winter never changed his ways, she was able to encourage Hiemal to become at least a little bit neater (raised Sloppy/Neat from 0 to 2). Despite the fact that Winter was more like his parents, or perhaps because of it, it seemed Hiemal went to greater lengths to win their approval.

That same year, Sleet grew out of his infancy and entered the Terrible Toddler years.

Sleet tried to emulate his brothers in every way possible. His birthday was at the same time of the year, also falling under the Archer's sign. In a rare recovered letter Sinjin had sent to his parents in Simurope, he described Sleet as a tiny clone of Winter in every way, from their mother's eyes to his temperament (0 Sloppy, 7 Outgoing, 9 Active, 10 Playful, 1 Grouchy).
(Controller's Note: Yeah, yeah, so I forgot to roll the pacifier. *sigh*)

I am afraid I must end this episode here, dear readers, as the editor has been pestering me for my copy for this week's edition. I will bring you far more in the life of the founders of the Aqua Family next week though!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Generation 1, Chapter 3

Aqua Family
Written by Boreal Aqua

Welcome back once more, dear fans. As always, your warm words have touched my cold heart and encourages me to continue on with my tale.

Once she got married, Slick began spending a lot of time researching what she could about her mutant genes. She knows her parents, sister and she have never suffered any real harm from the changes the nuclear powerplants had wrought in them, but she wanted to be sure that breeding with a normal human wouldn't cause any serious problems.

Sinjin was anxious to begin a family with the "exotic beauty" he'd married, as he frequently referred to his wife. He pointed out that there were always risks with any pregnancy, but he was confident their love would only produce perfect and perfectly healthy babies. No matter what their skin color.

His tender words obviously reached through to Slick, because by the end of their first year of marriage, she was pregnant.
(Controller's Note: FINALLY! Took them a bloody WEEK of trying to succeed! Sheesh!)

Despite the life growing within her, Slick continued to persue her own interests with as much vigor as she always had.

Her pregnancy went about as perfectly as one could hope for. She was never ill, she ate barely more than she usually did. The only side effect she underwent was that she was always tired and slept frequently.
(Controller's Note: Despite how it looks, there was no restarting or anything. For some reason, her clothing kept swapping back and forth between these two maternity outfits for the 3 Sim days she was pregnant.)

When that blessed day finally arrived, Slick had been studying biology yet again, but quickly called for her husband.

The couple had decided they would train for home birthing and Sinjin remained calm and helpful through Slick's labor pains.

They were shocked when Slick produced not one child, but TWO! Two perfectly healthy little boys who looked just like their mother. Medical documentation from her follow-up visit with her Ob/Gyn let Slick know that she would not be able to carry any further children to term, however.
(Controller's Note Again: Why on EARTH Sinjin didn't take the first child, I've no clue. He was just standing there, watching the birth, and Slick put the kid on the floor anyway.)

They immediately expanded their home, adding on a nursery off their bedroom. Their home had been large enough for the two of them and a single child, but definitely not for a foursome! Sinjin was frequently heard to comment to friends and co-workers how he couldn't believe his luck, to have found such a magnificent woman and two incredible sons. He was more in love now than he'd been when they first got engaged.

They named their boys Winter and Hiemal Aqua. Both sons had Slick's blue skin and deep blue eyes.
Here is a rare close-up of one of the twins. I believe it might be Hiemal, but they really are identical looking.
(Hiemal = of or relating to winter)

From the outset, the boys shared a connection most other twins, let alone other siblings, cannot begin to fathom.

Tyler Aqua heard about the birth of his grandchildren (by all accounts, he had been following Slick's progress religiously, despite never attempting to contact her) and braved the outdoors in the hope of catching a brief glimpse of Slick's sons. But he wasn't brave enough to actually go ring the doorbell, after the way he and Elsa had treated Slick when she announced her intention to move out.

Another photograph I've found in my searches of the early Vacha estate. It appears this is shortly after the birth of the boys, since the nursery addition is easily seen, but much of the grounds are still uncovered by snow.

Sinjin was thrilled with his family and loudly declared to any who questioned his choice of a mutant for a wife that he wouldn't change a thing about any of them. For all of his days, he was intensely proud of his sons and encouraged them in any goals they set.

Come back next week and I will fill you in on how the Aquas settled down to domestic bliss and what Slick's next steps were in creating such a powerful clan in Veronaville.

(Controller's Note: What is it about the Exterminator NPC? Why do they get all the gorgeous guys?!? I mean, first there was Sinjin. Now here's his replacement, Pung. I mean, just look at this guy! Oh well, some spare somewhere along the line will snag him, since I won't get a point for marrying another exterminator into the family. *sigh*)